Why is the available date not showing on the front end of my website?

There are three possible reasons:

Magical Apps

Last Update há um ano

1. You may have only added the date for the primary product and not the variant. To add the date for the variant, use the product drop-down arrow, insert the date, and click save.

2. If you have removed the {date} format from the settings page, it will remove the display date template on the front end. To fix this, type {date} back into the settings page and click save.

3. You may have set a date prior to your current date. In this case, simply select a future date to display the availability.

If this hasn't fixed the issue, this is because your current website theme may not be compatible with the Pre-Order Sales App. Not to worry, our support team can help you fix this little issue in less than 24-hours, so your site is up and running properly.

Please contact us at [email protected] or send us a message directly in the chat for assistance.

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