Why is the available date not showing on the front end of my website?
There are three possible reasons:
Magical Apps
Last Update 2 jaar geleden
1. You may have only added the date for the primary product and not the variant. To add the date for the variant, use the product drop-down arrow, insert the date, and click save.

2. If you have removed the {date} format from the settings page, it will remove the display date template on the front end. To fix this, type {date} back into the settings page and click save.

3. You may have set a date prior to your current date. In this case, simply select a future date to display the availability.

If this hasn't fixed the issue, this is because your current website theme may not be compatible with the Pre-Order Sales App. Not to worry, our support team can help you fix this little issue in less than 24-hours, so your site is up and running properly.
Please contact us at [email protected] or send us a message directly in the chat for assistance.